Collective Bargaining and Unionization
The TITAN Group actively ensures the freedom of association of employees, frequently above and beyond local legal requirements.
Freedom of association is respected for all employees and thus a collective bargaining agreement between the Company and the Union of employees was signed at the end of 2012, covering all employees. We acknowledge the importance of unions in improving working conditions and safeguarding worker’s rights. Union representatives at TITAN have the right to meet with line management at any time and discuss their concerns as well as suggest improvements. All issues of major importance, including collective agreements are discussed directly with the Chief Executive Director and accordingly with the Board of Directors.
Health and safety issues along with wages and remuneration, legal and additional benefits are included in the agenda of regular meetings between management and employee representatives. In addition, Health and Safety Committees comprised of management and employee representatives operate in all countries aiming at developing and implementing proposals for further improvement of working and living conditions of all employees.