Group Performance by Region and Country

Annual Report 2012


Shortages in the gas and power supply affect cement production costs


BSCC wins TITAN Group Best Safety Performance Award


Group Code of Conduct disseminated to all employees



Relevant Case Studies

Safety, health and well-being read more >
“C-Mentors” foundation level round for young engineers read more >
Stamatis Douzinas Scholarship read more >
Soft skills training for TCE blue collars read more >
Meeting high standards read more >
Summer internship program read more >
Competition for memorization of the Holy Quran read more >
Distribution Dry food bags - APCC and BSCC} read more >
Distribution of computers at Beni Suef read more >
Donations to surrounding community at Alexandria read more >
Orphans support - corporate volunteering read more >
Maintenance works in Wadi El-Kamar Hospital read more >