Case Studies

Annual Report 2012


GAEA Case read more >
First Regional meeting of the GC Networks in SEEread more >
Integration of Kosovoread more >
Titan America invests in “Wildlife at Work” read more >
Limestone pit turned into aquatic haven enhancing biodiversity read more >
Health and Safety Conferences read more >
BEST - TITAN Synergy read more >
Safety at Home - TITAN Training Program for schools read more >
Best Available Technologies (BAT) and alternative raw materials read more >
Environment and alternative fuels read more >
Raising environmental awareness to improve performance read more >
TITAN continues to improve CSR Reporting read more >
Future Leaders read more >
Raising environmental awareness through volunteering read more >
Improving professional skills and competencies of employees read more >
New activities for employees and their families read more >
Commitment to high quality and safety standards read more >
Launching collaborative action for environmental education read more >
Stakeholder engagement and public consultation read more >
Partnering and awareness building for CSR read more >
Plant Open Day read more >
Community soccer championship read more >
Safety first - recognition of continuous efforts read more >
Contest for Safety Logo read more >
“Safety at school” read more >
Building new homes for local stakeholders read more >
Zlatna Panega water management and risk assessment read more >
Solidarity between Generations - 2012 read more >
Health and Safety Training: Lecture Cycles in 2012 read more >
Communication Day read more >
Partnering for a country without waste read more >
Health and Wellbeing read more >
Management, communication and organizational skills
development program
read more >
Raising awareness and improving environmental performance
through training (Environment)
read more >
Scholarship program for children of our employees read more >
Stakeholder round tables - Communicating CSR performance read more >
Plant Open Days read more >
Participation and contribution to the U.N. Global Compact
Local Network
read more >
Beautification and tree planting at schools read more >
"Tree Day - Plant Your Future" read more >
First United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights read more >
National award and recognitions for best socially responsible
practices for Usje
read more >
Partnering with schools project read more >
Building a new sports court for the patronage day
of Partenija Zografski School
read more >
Children learn about the cement industry read more >
Summer camp for children with special needs read more >
Cooperation with student associations read more >
School packs for children read more >
For the fourth year in a row Usje joined “Earth Hour” read more >
“… a bit nicer … a bit safer …” read more >
Elementary school “Emin Duraku” - Kaçanik read more >
Street lighting in Hani i Elezit read more >
Meeting high environmental standards read more >
The “New SharrCem” conference and 1st plant Open day read more >
Local stakeholders advisory board read more >
Kosovo CSR Network read more >
Environment: Green belt near Kosjeric read more >
Plant Open Day at Kosjeric read more >
TCK presented its 2011 CSR and Sustainability Report read more >
TCK - A New Member of Business Leaders Forum Serbia read more >
TCK Advisory Board read more >
Safety, health and well-being read more >
“C-Mentors” foundation level round for young engineers read more >
Stamatis Douzinas Scholarship read more >
Soft skills training for TCE blue collars read more >
Meeting high standards read more >
Summer internship program read more >
Competition for memorization of the Holy Quran read more >
Distribution of Dry food bags - APCC and BSCC} read more >
Distribution of computers at Beni Suef read more >
Donations to surrounding community at Alexandria read more >
Orphans support - corporate volunteering read more >
Maintenance works in Wadi El-Kamar Hospital read more >
WBCSD/CEMENT SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE: 10 years of progress - moving on to the next decaderead more >
Voluntary Sectoral Agreement: Public-Private Partnership in the Cement Industry in Greeceread more >