
ProAsh® is an innovative, low-carbon fly ash produced by the separation of fly ash that remains as residue of the combustion of coal at power plants. It allows for better control of concrete mixtures, fewer batch-plant and many other advantages in construction, consumption of raw materials and waste management. TITAN products have many applications in residential and non-residential construction as well as infrastructure. The products are transported by road, or by rail and ship when possible. In addition to ProAsh®, fly ash separation produces a high carbon product that can be either re-burned by the power plants, to recover the fuel value of the unburned carbon, or used by cement plants, as an alternative raw material for the production of clinker.


GAEA offers its waste solutions services to both public and private local entities as an independent alternative fuel processing facility. Processing of waste and production of PEF (Processed Engineered Fuel) takes place in the PEF installation that is the first of its kind within the TITAN Group, commissioned at the end of 2011. PEF is a fuel of uniform and constant quality made from various non-recyclable waste materials with variable quality and composition. Its main feed stock material comes from the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), while the PEF is enhanced by the use of other carefully selected High Heat Value (HHV) industrial, commercial or biomass by-products

TITAN Group standards

Prohibit discrimination in all employment-related practices.

Working hours
Respect the right to leisure and avoid excessive overtime.

Wages and benefits
Guarantee a wage that – at a minimum – meets national legal standards and additional benefits responding to the needs of the majority and local priorities.

Apply appropriate disciplinary measures.

Prohibit harassment.

Child labor
Prohibit employment of under 18-year olds.

Forced labor
Prohibit any type of forced or bonded labor.

Freedom of association
Respect the right of people to form and join associations and to bargain collectively.

CSI Mission

“The CSI is an alliance of the leading companies in the global cement business. It will build its role as the recognized international voice of the global cement industry for sustainable development. CSI members will be known for applying sustainability practices throughout their global operations.

The CSI provides a platform for a shared understanding of sustainability issues, developing and distributing practical tools, facilitating effective stakeholder engagement and providing sustainable solutions. It aims to be the partner of choice for international governmental organizations, trade associations, academia and NGOs to develop the critical sustainability research, principles, policy and practice within the cement industry and its value chain.”

In June 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights presented to it by the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, Professor John Ruggie, providing a global standard of practice. These Principles do not constitute a legally binding document themselves, but elaborate on the implications of existing standards and practices for states and businesses, and include points covered variously in international and domestic law.

SA 8000 is one of the world’s first auditable social certification standards for decent workplaces created by the non-profit organization Social Accountability International. The standard is based on conventions of the ILO and U.N. as well as national laws. To ensure certification, companies have to adopt and successfully implement policies and procedures that protect the basic human rights of workers in nine specific areas: child labor, forced and compulsory labor, health and safety, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours and remuneration.

Starting with 2012, version 3.0 of the WBCSD/CSI protocol was fully adopted into our systems for the calculation and reporting of CO2 emissions.

Cement production is the main source of TITAN Group carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, both direct and indirect. Cement plants generate carbon dioxide emissions as part of their production process, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate change.

Direct CO2 emissions, from the production of cement itself, are attributed to:

Indirect emissions of carbon dioxide are released during the production of electricity as well as during the production and transportation of raw materials and fuels required for the production of clinker and cement. In addition the transportation of our products contributes to overall indirect emissions.

Year-to-year variations of total and specific CO2 emissions are the combined effect of changes that are associated to the raw materials component, the fuels component or both. Specific emissions can also be affected by the clinker-to-cement ratio.

Changes in the raw meal-to-clinker ratio and the chemical composition of raw materials will have an effect on the calcinations component of the emitted CO2. On the other hand, changes in the average specific thermal energy consumption (thermal energy needed for the production of 1 ton of clinker) as well as the average CO2 emission factor of the fuel mix (CO2 emitted for each thermal energy unit provided by the fuel mix) will result in changing the fuel component of the emitted CO2. The increase of alternative fuel use helps to this direction, playing an important role.


Dust is a major environmental pollutant of many industrial activities. At cement production plants, major emission sources of dust are smokestacks. Fugitive dust is also created from material transportation.


Combustion at high temperatures leads to the creation and emission of ΝOx. Scientific studies have indicated that emitted ΝOx leads to the creation of acid rain and smog.


The presence of sulphur (S) in raw materials is the primary cause of SOxemissions which are directly linked with the appearance of acid rain. It is therefore vital to keep these emissions as low as possible.

Valuing Non-Financial Performance

Current developments towards integrated reporting and new legislation in the European Union are calling for the further disclosure of non-financial information. Businesses need more comprehensive systems and processes to manage their economic, social and environmental performance.

Whilst CSR is increasingly becoming a core pillar of business, there are still challenges inintegrating non-financial performance measurements into business strategy internally andcommunicating the results externally.To overcome these challenges, this project equips companies and investors with practical toolsfor measuring, managing and reporting on non-financial information.

Accordingly the key objectives of this collaborative venture are:
Increase quality and efficiency of CSRmanagement in companies
Develop methods used to assess CSRmanagement and integration
Exchange best practice on CSRmanagement
Devise a set of non-financial reporting super factors with investor community
Improve the communication betweencompanies and investors

Sustainable Supply Chains and Business and Human Rights

Key EU and international frameworks have prioritized human rights and the development of sustainable supply chains for businesses. These two topics, however, have much wider reaching impacts for businesses than just policy. The added potential to reduce operational risks, enhance productivity and increase product quality though improved working conditions presents a strong development opportunity for business.

This project aims to encourage the sharing of best practice, open dialogue and greater collaboration to help tackle key issues relating to human rights and sustainable supply chains, so as to facilitate businesses’ responsibility to address key human rights considerations in light of international frameworks such as the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Accordingly the key objectives of this collaborative venture are the following:
Promote best practice exchange on sustainable supply chain and business and human rights issues
Raise awareness and identify solutions to key “hot topics” on sustainable supply chainand business and human rights issues
Develop understanding of the business impacts of key international and EU frameworks
Support companies in implementing the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Foster dialogue between business and stakeholders on sustainable supply chains and business and human rights issues

PEF Production process

PEF is a fuel of uniform and constant quality made from various non-recyclable waste materials with variable quality and composition. Its main feed stock material comes from the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), while the PEF is enhanced by the use of other carefully selected High Heat Value (HHV) industrial, commercial or biomass by-products


Cement is a substance with the ability to harden upon contact with water (hydration reaction). It is made by grinding clinker, gypsum and/or other cementitious materials into a fine powder. This fine powder consists of hydraulic calcium silicates and aluminates that when mixed with mineral aggregates (like sand, gravel or crushed stone) and water, act as the binding agent to form concrete.

TITAN produces Portland cement, masonry cement and other cementitious materials, such as processed fly ash. Through extensive R&D the Group is able to offer various types of blended cements for specific applications.

Ready-mix concrete

Concrete is produced by mixing cement, water, and aggregates. One cubic meter of concrete mixture contains approximately 300 kg of cement, 150 liters of water and 2 tons of aggregates. Depending on the admixture formula selected, the concrete produced has different properties aimed to address the Group’s customers’ diverse needs.


Aggregates include crushed stone, gravel and sand. Aggregates differ in their physical, mechanical and chemical properties, granularity and hardness. The main use of aggregates is the manufacture of concrete or concrete products, like building blocks. Other applications include the construction of roads, railway tracks etc.