Group Performance

Annual Report 2012

TITAN Group - Cement Plants, Attached and Related Quarries Performance
WBCSD/CSI Description 2010 2011 2012
Climate Change
Total direct CO2 emissions (gross), metric tons
based on specific year equity 10.4 million 8.6 million 9.6 million
based on 2009 equity 10.1 million 8.2 million 9.4 million
Direct CO2 emissions (gross), kg/tProduct(1)
based on specific year equity 654.2 623.8 658.7
based on 2009 equity 654.2 625.4 662.7
Alternative fuels and material
Energy efficiency, kcal/kgClinker 843.9 839.0 836.1
Alternative fuels substitution for conventional fuels, %
based on specific year equity 1.43 1.50 2.98
based on 2009 equity 1.43 1.56 3.03
Biomass in kiln fuel, %
based on specific year equity 0.87 1.13 1.86
based on 2009 equity 0.87 1.17 1.89
Total alternative raw materials consumption, metric tons 1.1 million 1.2 million 1.2 million
Alternative raw materials (clinker & cement), % 5.3 6.6 6.0
Clinker to cement ratio 0.84 0.83 0.85
Total dust particulates, metric tons
based on specific year equity 1.866 1.693 972
based on 2009 equity 1.866 1.601 963
Dust particulates, g/tClinker
based on specific year equity 153.6 162.6 83.5
based on 2009 equity 153.6 159.2 83.9
Total NOx, metric tons
based on specific year equity 22,561 17,523 21,361
based on 2009 equity 22,561 17,152 21,079
NOx, g/tClinker
based on specific year equity 1,857 1,683 1,835
based on 2009 equity 1,857 1,706 1,836
Total SOx, metric tons
based on specific year equity 2,567 2,468 2.277
based on 2009 equity 2,567 2,468 2,266
SOx, g/tClinker
based on specific year equity 211.3 237.1 195.6
based on 2009 equity 211.3 241.9 197.4
Clinker produced with monitoring of major and minor emissions, % 100 100 100
WBCSD/CSI Description 2010 2011 2012
Total heat consumption, TJ
Cement plants and attached quarries 42,912 36,559 40,765
Cement plants, attached and related quarries 42,919 36,562 40,771
Total alternative fuels, metric tons 32,290 30,630 68,050
Total electrical energy consumption, GWh
Cement plants and attached quarries 1,639 1,437 1,536
Cement plants, attached and related quarries 1,639 1,437 1,536
Total indirect(2) CO2 emissions, metric tons
based on specific year equity 1.1 million 0.9 million 1.0 million
based on 2009 equity 1.1 million 0.9 million 1.0 million
Total water consumption, m3 5.3 million 4.4 million 3.9 million
Total water consumption, lt/tCement
based on specific year equity 362.3 340.1 300.0
based on 2009 equity 362.3 347.7 298.4

(1) In accordance to latest version of the WBCSD protocol (ver.3.0), figure was revised to take into account the amount of ProAsh® sold, not produced.
(2) Indirect CO2 emissions are related to emissions released for the production of the electrical energy consumed at our facilities. For their calculation we use emission factors provided by the supplier of the electrical energy or other publicly available data. If no such data are available, the most recent data provided by CSI are used. In 2013, data for 2010 and 2011 were recalculated to take into account more accurate information regarding emissions factors for Greece and Kosovo.

TITAN Group - All quarries
WBCSD/CSI Description 2010 2011 2012
Local impacts
Active quarry sites with biodiversity issues(1,3) 5 9 8
Active quarry sites with biodiversity management plans(2,3) 2 3 3
Active quarry sites with biodiversity management plans(2,3), % 40 33 38
Sites with community engagement plans, % 100.0 100.0 100.0
Sites with quarry rehabilitation plans(3), % 48 63 65

(1) Active quarries within, containing or adjacent to areas designated for their high biodiversity value.
(2) Sites with high biodiversity value where biodiversity management plans are actively implemented.
(3) Since 2012, coverage of wholly owned active quarries has expanded, to include both quarries attached to our cement plants and quarries for aggregates production.

TITAN Group - All activities
Description 2010 2011 2012
Raw material extracted 31.0 million 24.3 million 27.6 million
For cement production, metric tons (wet) 19.2 million 16.0 million 18.6 million
For aggregates, metric tons (wet) 11.8 million 8.3 million 9.0 million
Raw material consumed
For cement production, metric tons (dry ) 21.3 million 18.6 million 19.1 million
For ready mix, dry mortar and block production, metric tons (wet ) 7.7 million 6.7 million 7.1 million
Total thermal energy consumption, TJ 43,155 36,828 41,773
Total electrical energy consumption, T 6,252 5,511 5,839
Total direct CO2 emissions (gross), metric tons 10.4 million 8.6 million 9.6 million
Total water consumption, m3 16.7 million 9.9 million 11.2 million
Recycled (externally) waste material, metric tons 145,032 167,830 267,800

TITAN Group - All activities
WBCSD/CSI Safety performance vs. target 2011 2012 Target
Fatalities (directly employed) 0 1 0
Fatalities (indirectly employed) 1 0 0
Fatalities (third parties) 0 0 0
Aim to be consistently among the top quartile best performers of WBCSD/CSI members in terms of Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)(1) 1.49 1,38 0.68

(1) This target is reviewed every year according to top quartile performance of WBCSD/CSI members.

TITAN Group - Cement plants WBCSD/CSI progress review
WBCSD/CSI Description 2010 2011 2012
Employee fatalities 0 0 1
Employee fatality rate 0 0 2.69
Contractor fatalities 0 1 0
Third-party fatalities 0 0 0
Employee Lost Time Injury 18 11 8
Employee Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate 2.49 1.54 1.13
Employee lost working days 1.234 850 905
Employee Lost Time Injury Severity Rate 171 119 128
Contractor Lost Time Injury 11 8 12