Equality remains a challenge in a world where inequity grows continuously with dramatic impacts for both society and business. Gender equality is directly linked with the capacity of companies to have a more holistic and balanced approach to decision-making which includes the precautionary approach. For TITAN, gender equality is an issue mostly related to heavy industries in western societies, as well as with the fragmentation between genders in other cases.
It is evident from the analysis of participation of females in employment, as well as from the participation of female employees in training that TITAN follows a policy of equal opportunities. In countries where cultural tradition is in favor of female presence in production, this is reflected at all hierarchical levels, including management. In these cases, those of Bulgaria, Serbia and the F.Y.R. of Macedonia, training man-hours are balanced between male and female.
In countries where cultural traditions exclude females from the workforce, other hierarchical levels lack female representation, although a number of key functions at Group level are also led by female managers, such as Internal Audit, Secretary of the Board, Corporate Affairs, Regional Technical Director, etc. A total of 81 top positions at Group, regional and country level are currently filled by females.
Moreover, TITAN follows a policy that enables females in countries with minimal participation in employment to have opportunities to advance their skills and career. Good examples of this practice are the cases of both Egypt and Kosovo.
The Group is also committed to taking action steps to promote greater gender equality in management, as evidenced by the newly hired female CSR managers in Egypt and Albania.
The TITAN Group invests in building long-term relations with employees, embodied by the know-how, the skills, the competencies and the experiences they gain with their service in different functions according to their performance.
Demographic issues are considered, particularly in countries that face greater risks. In this respect, the Group continues to invest in employees by continuously improving their skills, talents and know-how. This is applied equally (that is, proportionally) to all respective age groups. Age, however, is also considered as a social factor in the development of voluntary early leave plans. New hires are focused on two main groups, former TITAN employees and the young who in most cases present higher rates of unemployment.
A number of jobs are provided through the assignment of projects to contractors and sub-contractors. The majority of contracts that relate to specific activities are primarily offered to local companies including transportation of employees, cleaning, security, maintenance, and quarrying of raw materials.
All people working or visiting TITAN premises are treated with respect and priority is given to safety and related conditions. Induction courses and safety training are provided to all.
TITAN values and CSR commitments are also communicated through company web sites, Code of Conduct and Code for Procurement, national and Group Reports, magazines and newsletters. In addition, TITAN Group Policies are posted in the public spaces and announcement boards accessible to all. Through the launching of the updated Group Code of Conduct, employees are encouraged to answer business ethics dilemmas throughout the value chain. Finally, 360-degree Safety reviews examine and assess risks including those of contractors and all parties related to related to plant operations.
- Employees trained
- Employees trained per age group
- New hires