Engaging with Customers
TITAN systematically engages with its customers with an emphasis on quality and product sustainability, both important value-drivers. In 2012, we continued to invest in Research and Development to meet and exceed customer expectations. In markets where they are not currently used, efforts are made to inform customers and potential customers about the environmental and other benefits derived from blended cements. As part of systematic engagement efforts, customers are regularly invited to participate in Open Days and other events that provide them with the opportunity to learn more about TITAN products and processes as well as further develop trust-based relationships in meetings with sales representatives and management.
In each country diverse initiatives are conducted regularly to safeguard direct communication and collaboration with customers, including customer surveys, customer days and workshops.
In order to give value to customers, strengthen relations and to create an environment of trust and support, for example, top Usje management together with sales representatives made personal visits and meetings with all current direct and indirect customers. These meetings provided important feedback from those who purchase our products with regards to product quality and their satisfaction from our mutual cooperation.
New Products
Pervious Concrete
Covering large surfaces with concrete does have a significant effect in rainwater management and drainage, as such an impermeable layer blocks the natural water absorption by the soil. This has both an environmental impact as large volumes of water have to be directed in drainage channels that are often underspecified for such a function and a financial impact as this adds a significant cost to any large project. If appropriate drainage works are not done or the covered surface is too large, the runoff water will end up in nearby streams or even the sea and the water table will not be adequately replenished.
For these reasons and applications, we have developed water permeable concrete, called PERVIOUS, that allows even the heaviest rain falls to drain directly in the underlying soil and a compressive strength high enough to be used for medium traffic. After the laboratory phase, we proceeded to industrial trials; one of them being a pilot parking lot built inside the premises of Elefsina Plant, in order in full scale the production, application and long term maintenance challenges. The feedback from the pilot was very helpful and allowed us to consider the product ready for general use.
New Product for External Thermal Insulation System.
Following an extensive lab and field testing protocol, RDQ developed a new product (FW 120 Thermo) to be used in External Thermal Insulation (known as ETICS). ETICS is a complete system that allows reducing the energy losses of buildings and insulates them against weather changes and water/moisture penetration, also improving the indoor environment and often exterior aesthetics. The product has been standardized according to relative norms EN 12004 and EN 998-1 since it can be used both as an adhesive between the substrate and insulation boards, as well as fiber-reinforced mortar before the top coat. Overall it is expected to contribute towards increasing the sustainability profile, durability and service life of new and retrofit structures.