TITAN America invests in Wildlife at Work
The Wildlife Habitat Council recently certified both of Titan America's plants - including Roanoke Cement Company - for "Wildlife at Work" programs. The prestigious distinction was awarded as a result of each plant's demonstrated commitment toward long-term wildlife habitat enhancement efforts.
"I commend the wildlife teams at Roanoke Cement and Pennsuco on achieving 'Wildlife at Work' certification for the successful implementation of comprehensive wildlife habitat management programs," said the President of the Wildlife Habitat Council. In a letter congratulating Roanoke Cement Company, Johnson cited the following efforts including the company’s dedication to the Catawba Creek through voluntary clean-ups and water quality monitoring, frequent newsletters for employees and the community, the creation of important wetland habitat for migratory birds and partnerships with Trout Unlimited and Virginia Save Our Streams to educate students and the community.
"We are pleased with the recognition by the Wildlife Habitat Council," says the Environmental Manager at Roanoke Cement Company. "RCC documented action on its property and the associated outreach meshed perfectly with the Wildlife at Work certification initiatives.”