TCK presented its 2011 CSR and Sustainability Report
TITAN Cementara Kosjeric, which invested over €55 million in its business development in the past 10 years, formally presented its 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report on 23October 2012. The report was prepared in accordance with internationally accepted Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and received a C+ rating. It went through the verification process of the independent auditing firm KPMG.
The formal announcement of the Report was followed by three roundtables organized around the following topics: Environmental Protection, Cooperation with the Local Community and Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, at which the TCK representatives, local partners and stakeholders kept an open dialogue, exchanged experiences and discussed about opportunities and potential areas for further cooperation.
“Although 2011 was a year of economic uncertainty, TCK’s long-term commitment to collaboration with the environment we work in has proven to be a valuable asset, whereas occupational health and safety, sustainable development and co-operation with the community have been broadly recognized. TCK’s successful communication policy was confirmed by broad interest in participating at three roundtables, continuation of dialogue with partners and institutionalized cooperation with stakeholders through relevant bodies. The results achieved in protecting and improving the environment enabled TCK to obtain the first IPPC permit in Serbia. At the same time, recognizing the importance of joint action, we continued to support the implementation of development initiatives in our municipality. We continue to enhance occupational health and safety in order to create an environment in which safety culture of all employees is at the highest level", said TCK’s General Manager.