2012 without LTI
The year 2012 passed without any Lost Time Injuries (LTIs), a reflection of combined efforts to make SharrCem a world-class organization in terms of safety.
SharrCem commitment to this was and is highly appreciated. It is true that our target to cause zero harm to people seems to still be far ahead, however this goal will be much closer each day. These statistics confirm the determination of the company to continuously improve and maintain Health and Safety.
To meet our aims in Health and Safety it is imperative to develop a safety culture, thus we have developed Thursday’s training program which is implemented by the Health and Safety Department and is attended by all employees in the company.
Moreover, SharrCem is seriously concerned with the health and safety of contractors and suppliers as well. For this reason, in 2012 we developed a new contractor management process which incorporates Health and Safety.
The main aim of the process is to put in place a new system of contractor management from the OHS aspect. Its goal is to raise their awareness that good Organizational Health and Safety performance means good business performance as well.
Approximately 2,124 hours of training and communication activities were conducted in 2012.