Stakeholder round tables - communicating CSR Performance
Focusing on the continuous improvement of the relations with stakeholders, the decision to seek feedback from key stakeholders, interested in learning about Usje’s sustainability strategy, was a new development in 2012.
With the intention of communicating with stakeholders about the 2011 CSR and Sustainability Report and receiving feedback related to the data and information published in it, Usje presented its report and organized round tables, where the effects of actions taken for community development were discussed.
The discussion on the CSR and Sustainability Report was attended by approximately 52 persons, including representatives of companies, institutions and members of the community with which the company cooperates. "Community Engagement and Development - responsible business", "Sustainable Production and the Environment" and "Social Responsibility - Consumers and Buyers", were the three thematic sections that guided discussions among attendees.
At the round tables, attending representatives expressed their views and opinions regarding the actions taken so far, as well as planned activities. All Usje stakeholders including public authorities, local communities, NGOs, international and financial institutions, academics, contractors, suppliers, and customers were in attendance.