Integrated Annual Report 2012

Home > Group Performance by Region and Country > Southeastern Europe > F.Y.R. of Macedonia > Spotlight on F.Y.R. of Macedonia
Health and Safety Training: Lecture Cycles in 2012
Within the context of further enhancing a corporate culture promoting health, safety and the environment, Usje continued in 2012 with its long-standing training series. The training sessions of this cycle were addressed to all employees and took place throughout the whole year. Every Wednesday, on the premises of the company canteen there is a one-hour in-house training on various topics. The training topics in 2012 included issues such as employee duties, accident prevention, substance abuse, working in hot weather, personal hygiene and many more, including topics related to legal compliance. A total of 1,072 training hours were conducted in 2012 and included all Usje employees.