First United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights
The largest global discussion to date on how governments and businesses are moving to address the impacts of business activities on human rights took place in Geneva on 3-5 December 2012, during the implementation of the first Forum on Business and Human Rights. Participants from 85 countries, including around 40 State delegations, 150 business enterprises and 170 civil society organizations, joined the global dialogue following the adoption of the relevant U.N. Guiding Principles.
The TITAN Group was represented by the HR Manager of Usje plant who spoke as a panelist in front of more than 200 participants. TITAN’s commitment to CSR, the stakeholder engagement process, networking and developing, as well as sharing of best practices, were presented. A general conclusion presented was that U.N. Global Compact networks at local level should continue to invest in building capacity for network members and local enterprises and particularly SMEs.
The Forum is designed to promote the implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, a set of internationally accepted principles which provide a global standard for preventing and addressing the risk of negative human rights impacts linked to business activity.