Beautification and tree planting at schools
Usje continues to donate and plant trees in the primary schools and kindergartens in the Municipality of Kisela Voda aiming to improve their environment and promote good relations with the local community.
Each year, during spring and autumn, the company organizes activities for planting trees in the schoolyards of primary schools and kindergartens. The aim of this project is to raise awareness among students about the importance of environmental protection.
On 13 November 2012, Usje employees together with the principal and students from Kiril Pejcinovic Primary School planted 30 trees of Thuja Columnaris in the school yard.
On 15 November 2012, on the anniversary of the opening day of the “8th of March” Kindergarten 33 years ago, Usje employees together with the Mayor of Kisela Voda Municipality and children spent time together planting trees in the kindergarten yard. The students rewarded us with a children’s show which everybody enjoyed.
On Tree Day Action (21 November 2012) employees donated and planted trees in the primary schools Nevena Georgieva Dunja, Kuzman Sapkarev and Zlatan Sremec.
This project’s duration was approximately one week long.