Group Performance by Region and Country

Annual Report 2012


Expansion of partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)


Initiation of the permitting process for the use of alternative fuels


Company Open Day instituted


National Award and recognitions of best socially responsible practices



Health and Safety

Health and Safety Training: Lecture Cycles in 2012 read more >


Engaging with our employees

Communication Day read more >
Partnering for a country without waste read more >
Health and Wellbeing read more >
Management, communication and organizational skills
development program
read more >
Scholarship program for children of our employees read more >


Engaging with the community

Partnering for a country without waste read more >
Stakeholder round tables - Communicating CSR performance read more >
Participation and contribution to the U.N. Global Compact
Local Network
read more >
Beautification and tree planting at schools read more >
"Tree Day - Plant Your Future" read more >
First United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights read more >
National award and recognitions for best socially responsible
practices for Usje
read more >
Children learn about the cement industry read more >
Summer camp for children with special needs read more >
Cooperation with student associations read more >
School packs for children read more >