Partnering and awareness building for CSR
As part of the TITAN Group, Antea Cement supports initiatives aimed at creating awareness of CSR through business networks and initiatives such as the Global Compact. Albania is one of the few countries that still do not have a national CSR Network; efforts, however, were made this past year to change that. Antea organized a meeting in March with other companies including those from the banking, telecommunications, and industrial sectors as well as other interested parties like the IFC, focused on Corporate Social Responsibility and more specifically on the necessity of establishing a National CSR Network. Further to interest from several companies, the Articles of Association were prepared and several meetings were held in order to promote the idea. Companies were expected to found the CSR Network in March 2013.
Concurrently, Antea supported the development of CSR through participation at the 3rd Corporate Social Responsibility Multi-stakeholder Forum, organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, United Nations Development Program in Albania and the Swiss Cooperation in Albania. Antea was invited to make a presentation on best practices on CSR, focusing mainly on labor issues, both during the construction of the plant and the operation as well as its SA 8000 certification. Best practice sharing is an integral part of CSR in the TITAN Group and Antea is committed to working together with interested parties in disseminating best practices.