Integrated Annual Report 2012

In this section performance achieved by TITAN Group in each business region and country with respect to certain priorities identified as material in each case are presented. Starting with business performance first, a country spotlight introduces the highlights and key topics (such as safety, environmental sustainability, stakeholder engagement and collaborative action) at the local level that are described with relevant case studies and initiatives.
Awards and Recognitions 2012
Albania | SA 8000 certification for Antea, the first company in Albania |
Bulgaria | Award by the Minister of labor and Social Policy in Bulgaria to Zlatna Panega |
Bulgaria | National award to Zlatna Panega for Health and Safety at Work |
F.Y.R. of Macedonia | National Award for "Relations with Employees" for Best Socially Responsible Practices for employee relations and a recognition for Ethical Governance and Stakeholder Engagement |
F.Y.R. of Macedonia | The International Trade Fair "Ideas - Inventions - New products 2012" awarded TITAN Cementarnica Usje for the patent "New method for monitoring the equipment conditions of low-speed machines: Bronze medal from the International Jury, Diploma from the Hungarian Union of Inventors and Certificate for contribution from the Society of Women Inventors from Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Greece | Aegean University in Greece awarded TITAN Cement S.A., for the fifth consecutive year with the 1st price for the quality and completeness of its CSR and Sustainability Report |
Greece | Quality Net Foundation, in the framework of "Bravo" Awards, awared TITAN Cement SA with a recognition for meeting stakeholder expectations in reporting social and environmental performance |
Kosovo | "Taxpayer of the year 2011" certificate: SharrCem was awarded based on the official data of the taxpayers and also as the company ogtaining the highest number of employees in the country giving their contribution in helping to preserve the welfare of the citizens of the country |
Turkey | Artova Municipality: Thank award for the Artova lake restoration |
Turkey | Social insurance office award for protecting labor rights and for timely payment of insurance fees |
Turkey | Tokat Environment Office awarded Adocim on Environment Day |
U.S.A. | Carolina Ready-mix Concrete Association recognized S&W: Honorable mention for the CRMCA Environmental Excellence Award for the Goldsboro Plant, First Place CRMCA Environmental Improvement Award for the Holly Ridge Plant, Honorable mention for the CRMCA Environmental Improvement Award for the Jacksonville and Georgetown locations |
U.S.A. | Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Challenge for Industry: Recognition to four Roanoke Cement distribution terminals (Castle Hayne, NC and in Richmond, Front Royal and Chesapeake, VA), as plants that demonstrate a commitment to the environment by achieving a 10% reduction in energy intensity within five or fewer years |
U.S.A. | NRMCA 1st Place Environmental Excellence Award in the 25.000 to 50.000 annual yardage category at the NRMCA Concrete Works Conference and Expo for the Clear Brook RM plant |
U.S.A. | NRMCA Excellence in Quality Awards to TITAN America for excellence in quality and outstanding environmental practices (six plants: Tarmac America LLC, North Central Region, Port Orange, Tarmac America LLC, Southern Region, Daytona Beach, Tarmac America LLC, West Coast Region, Venice, TITAN Virginia R-M, Northern Region, Sterling, Powhatan Ready-Mix, Richmond, and TITAN Virginia Ready-mix, Southern Virginia Division, Norfolk |
U.S.A. | NRMCA Green Star Certification for the Southport, the Wlimington and the Clear Brook RM plants |
U.S.A. | PCA honored Roanoke Cement plant and Castle Hayne, North Carolina terminal for excellence in environmental outreach and terminal safety |
U.S.A. | PCA Recognition in the association's Sustainable Concrete Plant Certification program for the Clear Brook RM plant |
U.S.A. | WBCSD: "Trout pond" acknowledgement in the October release of the WBCSD Ecosystems document (2012 Jeju WCC, organized by the IUCN) for the RNK plants |
U.S.A. | Wildlife Habitat Council certification for both of TITAN America's cement plants for their "Wildlife at Work programs |