GRI Disclosure Tables

Annual Report 2012

467.png Indicates core indicators 464.png Indicates additional indicators 460.png Indicates core indicators that are partially met

GRI G3 Disclosure TITAN Reference
Investment and procurement practices
HR1 - Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements and contracts that include clauses incorporating human rights concerns, or that have undergone human rights screening.
  • Non-Financial risks
  • No significan investment agreement took place in 2012. All major projects are completed.
HR2 - Percentage of significant suppliers, contractors, and other business partners that have undergone human rights screening, and actions taken. Principles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
  • All contractors providing services in TITAN premises are screened for health and safety and within the scope of this screening respect for human rights is also examined
HR3 - Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained.
HR4 - Total number of incidents of non-discrimination and corrective actions taken.
  • No such case was reported in 2012.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
HR5 - Operations and significant suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights.
  • Unions are established and operate freely in all countries including Albania and Egypt.
Child labor
HR6 - Operations and significant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labor.
  • TITAN’s policy allows employment only for people who are over 18 years old. All contractors are aware of TITAN’s policy against child labor and they are monitored regularly to safeguard compliance with TITAN’s standards
Forced and Compulsory Labor
HR7 - Operations and significant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor.
  • According to TITAN’s procurement manual, it is mandatory for TITAN’s contractors to provide official proof of payment and paid insurance of their employees, in order to get paid
Security Practices
HR8 - Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization’s policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations.
  • All security personnel is regularly trained
Indigenous Rights
HR9 - Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions taken.
  • No violations have occured at any TITAN operations related to indigenous people
HR10 - Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews and/or impact assessments.
HR11 - Number of grievances related to human rights filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms.
  • No such case was reported in 2012