<Right to attend the General Meetings
All shareholders are entitled to take part in the General Meeting.
To take part, holders of shares must have been shareholders at the start of the fifth day before the date of the General Meeting (Record date).
Such persons can demonstrate that they are shareholders by submitting a written certificate from Hellenic Exchanges S.A. or, in the alternative, by the Company connecting online to the files and records of Hellenic Exchanges S.A.
The written or online certificate proving that they are shareholders must be presented to the Company no later than the third day before the date of the General Meeting.
Other than that requirement, exercise of the right to participate in the General Meeting does not require shareholders to block their shares or comply with any other formalities which limit the ability to sell or transfer their shares in the time period between the record date and the date of the General Meeting.
Shareholders or their representatives who have not complied with these formalities may only take part in the General Meeting with its permission.
Shareholders may attend the General Meetings either in person or through one or more representatives, whether shareholders or not. Each shareholder may appoint up to three representatives. However, if a shareholder holds shares in the Company which appear in more than one securities account, this limitation does not prevent the shareholder from appointing different representatives for the shares which appear in each securities account.
A representative who acts for more than one shareholder may vote differently on behalf of each shareholder.
Legal entities may participate in the General Meeting by appointing up to three natural persons as their representatives.
Shareholder representatives can be appointed and removed in writing, such notice being sent to the Company in the same way, at least three days before the date set for the General Meeting.
The Company has made the forms, which must be filled out and sent by shareholders in order to appoint a representative, available on its website.
The Company’s Articles of Association do not provide for shareholders’ participation in the General Meeting and exercise voting rights remotely or by correspondence.
Shareholder representatives are obliged to inform the Company before the General Meeting starts about any information which shareholders should be aware of, so that they can determine whether there is a risk of the representative serving interests other than their own interests.
Conflicts of interest may arise in cases where the representative:
a. is a shareholder who controls the Company or is another legal entity or person controlled by that shareholder;
b. is a member of the Board of Directors or of the management team of the Company or a shareholder who controls the Company, or another legal person or entity controlled by a shareholder who controls the Company;
c. is an employee or certified public accountant of the Company or a shareholder who controls the Company, or another legal person or entity controlled by a shareholder who controls the Company;
d. is the spouse or a relative to the first degree of one of the natural persons referred to above.