<Board of Directors meetings
The Board of Directors meets as often as required based on Company needs and takes its decisions by absolute majority of the directors present or represented at it.
Board members, who are absent or unable to attend the meeting for any reason, are entitled to be represented by another member of the Board of Directors who will vote in their name.
Each member is entitled to represent only one other member and vote in his name.
Executives of the Company or its related companies within the meaning of Article 42e(5) of Codified Law 2190/1920 are entitled to attend meetings of the Board of Directors without voting rights, following an invitation from the Chairman, provided issues within their remit are being discussed.
The dates of scheduled Board of Directors meetings are set in the last months of each year in order to ensure the maximum possible quorum at meetings is achieved.
The Board of Directors’ agenda is prepared by the Chairman and is dispatched to members in good time, along with any necessary information about the topics to be discussed or on which decisions will be taken by members of the Board of Directors.
The minutes of the previous meeting are signed at each subsequent meeting. Those minutes are kept by the Company Secretary and record summaries of the views of members of the Board of Directors, the discussions which took place and any decisions taken.