<Significant direct or indirect holdings in the sense of articles 9 to 11 of Law 3556/2007
On 31.12.2012 the following shareholders held more than 5% of the total voting rights in the Company:
“E.D.Y.V.E.M. Hellenic Construction Materials, Industrial, Commercial Transportation Public Company Limited”, holding 11.16% of the total voting rights in the Company
Mr. Andreas L. Canellopoulos, holding 10.42% of the total voting rights in the Company, including voting rights relating to shares which he co-owns and are held in a joint investment account
The “Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Foundation” holding 9.89% of the total voting rights in the Company
Mr. Leonidas A. Canellopoulos, holding 6.09% of the total voting rights in the Company, including voting rights relating to shares which he co-owns and are held in a joint investment account
On 28.2.2012 the shareholders who held more than 5% of the total voting rights in the Company were as above.