This is TITAN’s Integrated Report 2012
For the first time since 1983, this Report covers corporate, business, financial, social and environmental issues following an integrated framework. The Integrated Reporting Framework (Consultation Draft of the International Integrated Reporting Framework) was used a guidance to develop the new form of our Report.
You will find information about our corporate identity and business environment, strategy and governance, relationships and stakeholder engagement, as well as about the financial and the non-financial performance we have achieved through collective and corporate action.
This Report is developed following materiality assessments and feedback received from our key stakeholders, as it is made to serve their needs and expectations to provide for a better understanding of our operations, footprints and capacity to provide shared value through the value chain. It contains an overview of the material issues for TITAN Group, which we identified in 2007 and which has been updated annually since then by the TITAN Group CSR Committee, including the targets for 2015 and 2017.
This Report is directed to key stakeholders and particularly employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, local communities, NGOs and regulators, as well as to analysts, investors and other interested parties. It has been independently verified against AA 1000 SES, GRI G3.1, the U.N. Global Compact criteria for Communicating on Progress and WBCSD/CSI standards and Guidelines. It is accordingly declared as meeting the A+ assurance level for GRI and the “advanced” level for U.N. Global Compact criteria.
Your contribution to our continuous improvement is greatly appreciated. We invite you to send us your feedback by completing the survey on our Integrated Report and Key Topics here.
Thank you for your time and interest.