Integrated Annual Report 2012

- Message from the CEO
- TITAN Group Overview
- Strategy and Risk Management
Corporate Governance
- TITAN Organizational Chart
- Corporate Governance Statement
- Governance for Sustainability
Group Performance
- The Industry and our Footprint
- Business Activity by Segment
Performance Review
- This is our Financial Performance
This is our Non-Financial Performance
- Engaging with our Employees
- Engaging with Communities
- Engaging with Suppliers
- Engaging with Customers
- Engaging with Investors
- Environmental Performance
Group Performance by Region and Country
- U.S.A.
Greece and Western Europe
- Business Performance
Spotlight on Greece
- Best - TITAN Synergy
- Safety at home - TITAN Training program for schools
- Best Available Technologies and Alternative Raw Materials
- Raising environmental awareness to improve performance
- TITAN continues to improve CSR Reporting
- Future Leaders
- Environment and alternative fuels
- Safety First
- Health and Safety Conferences
- Safety
Southeastern Europe
- Business Performance
Spotlight on Albania
- Improving professional skills and competencies of employees
- New activities for employees and their families
- Community soccer championship
- Commitment to high quality and safety standards
- Launching collaborative action for environmental education
- Stakeholder engagement and public consultation
- Partnering and awareness building for CSR
- Plant open day
- Raising environmental awareness through volunteering
- Bulgaria
F.Y.R. of Macedonia
- Business Performance
Spotlight on F.Y.R. of Macedonia
- Health and Wellbeing
- Management, communication and organizational skills development program
- Raising awareness and improving environmental performance through training (Environment)
- Scholarship program for children of our employees
- Plant Open Days
- Participation and contribution to the U.N. Global Compact Local Network
- Beautification and tree planting at schools
- "Tree Day - Plant Your Future"
- Children learn about the cement industry
- Summer camp for children with special needs
- Cooperation with student associations
- School packs for children
- For the fourth year in a row Usje joined “Earth Hour”
- Health and Safety Training: Lecture Cycles in 2012
- Communication Day
- Partnering for a country without waste
- Stakeholder round tables - communicating CSR Performance
- First United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights
- National Award and Recognitions for Best Socially Responsible Practices for USJE
- Partnering for a country without waste
- Partnering with schools project
- Building a new sports court for the patronage day
- Kosovo
- Serbia
Eastern Mediterranean
- Business Performance
Spotlight on Egypt
- Safety, health and well-being
- “C-Mentors” foundation level round for young engineers
- Stamatis Douzinas Scholarship
- Competition for memorization of the Holy Quran
- Distribution of computers at Beni Suef
- Maintenance works in Wadi El-Kamar Hospital
- Soft skills training for TCE Blue Collars
- Meeting high standards
- Summer internship program
- Distribution of dry food bags
- Donations to surrounding community at Alexandria
- Orphans support - corporate volunteering
- Turkey
- Report Development and Methodology
- Annual Report of the BoD
Annual Financial Statements
- Statement of the Members of the Board
- Independent Auditor’s Report
- Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
- General Information
- Significant Accounting Estimates and Judgments
- Operating segment information
- Other Income and Expenses
- Expenses by nature
- Finance income/(costs)
- Staff Costs
- Income Tax Expense
- (Losses)/Earnings per share
- Dividends Proposed and Distributed
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Investment Properties
- Intangible Assets and Goodwill
- Principal Subsidiaries, Associates and Joint Ventures
- Investment in Associates
- Available for Sale Financial Assets
- Other non Current Assets
- Deferred Income Taxes
- Inventories
- Receivables and Prepayments
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Share Capital and Premium
- Other Reserves
- Borrowings
- Retirement and Termination Benefit Obligations
- Provisions
- Other non Current Liabilities
- Trade and Other Payables
- Cash Generated from Operations
- Business Combinations
- Interest in Joint Ventures
- Contingencies and Commitments
- Related Party Transactions
- Financial Risk Management Objectives and Policies
- Financial Instruments
- Fiscal Years Unaudited by the Tax Authorities
- Reclassifications / Restatements
- Events After the Reporting Period
- Summary Financial Results
- Appendix I
- Appendix II
- Report Assessment and Verification
- GRI Disclosure Tables
- Case Studies
- How to read our 1st Integrated Annual Report