Within the context of continuous self-improvement, TITAN Group completed the first annual e-learning program with the participation of thirty-six participants (36) from all TITAN Business Units across the Group. This program’s purpose is to further develop participants’ managerial and leadership skills through the high standards of Harvard Business School, adopting a blended approach to learning, such as e-learning self-study modules, case studies, tests and workshops.
Moreover and in line with the program’s purpose, participants engage in peer coaching by selecting a “buddy” from a different Business Unit or function, who assists him/her on following up on his/her personal development plan and on the implementation of an action plan. This process of peer coaching benefits the participants through the exchange of ideas and by encouraging them to insist on attain their individual development plan goals.
In general, the STEP Program aims to build upon participants’ own self drive, facilitates the exchange of best practices and insights about common everyday managerial issues through cross Business Unit and/or Functional working groups and enhances personal accountability through a process which allows for flexibility to study during one’s own time but also requires discipline to complete within a specified time frame and succeed in the testing process. Last but not least, it further improves networking and bonding among TITAN employees from different Business Units and functions, contributing towards forming a TITAN Group common identity and, therefore, building upon the sense of belongingness to a global company.