More than 90 business executives and organizations gathered in the First Meeting of South-East Europe Global Compact Networks.
The first such meeting entitled "Human Rights and Combating Corruption" held on Friday, 3 February 2012 in Thessaloniki by the U.N. Global Compact Network Hellasgathered particular interest. The objective of the conference was the establishment of regular meetings for the identification of social and environmental challenges faced by the Local Global Compact Networks in the region and their member companies and the exploration of the possibilities for cooperation and mutual assistance in resolving them. Representatives of the Local Networks of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Romania and Serbia, their member companies, agencies and organizations took part in the gathering.
"The First Regional Meeting of the Global Compact Networks in South-East Europe launches a new and very important synergy to promote cooperation in the wider area, the Ten Principles of the U.N. Global Compact and sustainable entrepreneurship. The defense of Human Rights and the fight against corruption are overriding priorities, among the ten Global Compact principles under the current circumstances", underlined the Vice Chair of the Hellenic Network for CSR in the opening session. At the end of the meeting, an agreement to strengthen collaboration among organizations and companies to meet common objectives was agreed and the next meeting was scheduled for October 2012 in Beograd.
The meeting was supported by the central office of the U.N. Global Compact, the Hellenic Network for CSR, the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING), the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry and companies like TITAN Group that have appointed representatives from all countries of operations in the region to attend the meeting.